Customer Acquisition Process, B2B Sales Lead Generation Process

Datanomic Solutions LLC Customer Acquisition solutions provide integrated programs to cost-effectively acquire high-quality prospects and convert them to lifetime customers. Understanding the who, how, why and where of your prospective customers is difficult in any marketing channel, let alone in the mercurial world of the Web.

While many agencies have minimal or no online media planning experience, Datanomic Solutions LLC steps to the fore with extensive know-how in both online, voice based and offline media environments to help you achieve your acquisition goals and extend leanings across all of your marketing initiatives. Our team helps you engage your prospects with a holistic approach to customer acquisition that generates qualified leads, new customer, sales and actionable customer migration strategies. Based on robust media planning methodology and deep direct marketing experience, we deliver tremendous results for our clients

Integrated Media Program Expertise

With a solid foundation in both online and offline media, we craft media plans that not only address your specific marketing goals, but also extend insights to benefit your other marketing programs. The best prospects within your target demographic are pinpointed and engaged, your brand is supported across channels, and your ROI is maximized.

Test and Invest Methodology

As a part of each media plan, a thorough program of testing is recommended to measure the response to and effectiveness of offers, communication strategies and channels. This “test and invest” methodology incorporates leanings into future plans, increasing long-term profitability per customer.

Beginning To End Management

We proactively manage your acquisition program from initial planning through analysis to ensure maximum value for your investment. From rigorous media sourcing to results-based strategy refinement, Eventgain coordinates quality execution across every step of your program.

Lifetime Customer Optimization

Our efforts to build life-long relationships with your customers don’t stop with the initial acquisition campaign. Knowledge of your customer is extended to heighten performance of future campaigns (both acquisition and retention), while a suite of tracking solutions offer continual monitoring of customer behavior throughout the customer’s lifecycle.

Our Proven Suite Of Customer Aquisition Services

  • List Rental
  • ProspectNet Co-Registration
  • Keyword Search
  • Newsletter Sponsorships
  • Banner Ads